Bladen County, Faster Internet is Here!
Since receiving a $2.9 million dollar grant from the North Carolina Department of Information Technology (NCDIT) through the Growing Rural Economies with Access to Technology (GREAT) Grant Program in 2022, FOCUS Broadband has successfully brought fiber optic delivered high-speed internet to more than 727 homes and businesses in rural areas near Tar Heel, and between Clarkton and Elizabethtown. As part of this initiative, FOCUS Broadband contributed $307,989 in matching funds.
Our efforts to bridge the digital divide in Bladen County would not be possible without the support of the many residents, business owners, and community leaders who have helped us secure grant funding. Your support continues to be a crucial part in making our applications successful.
We are excited to serve you!
Please refer to the map below to see where high-speed internet service is or will be available.
Click Here for Bladen County Construction Updates
Great news! We have completed our 2022 Bladen GREAT Grant project. Service is available in many areas near Tar Heel, St Pauls, and Clarkton. Please use the map below to see if your address is included in our service area.
Service Available
Under Construction
Reconnect Grant
Enter your address below for service availability.
The map shown is for illustrative purposes. All FOCUS Broadband services may not be available at all addresses. Actual availability of services is not guaranteed and must be verified before an order may be placed. Availability of services at specific addresses may be impacted by a multitude of factors including our ability to obtain permission to construct on private property. Addresses which require construction of network facilities over 1,000 feet may necessitate the customer pay aid in construction charges.